
A revolutionary way of delivering live video. Allow your viewers to choose which elements of your broadcast they see, and when.

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The Technology

In its simplest form, Nonlinea is an automatic video clip tagging service. In its full form, it’s a unique way to deliver content in a much more engaging way. Primarily aimed at sports, the platform pairs video stream(s) with associated data and presents the result to the user. This gives the power of choice to the audience by allowing them to view what they want and when. It also encourages users to interact with the broadcast and make their own contributions.

Associated Data

Associated data is essentially anything interesting that happens in the sport, but more specifically it is any significant action or ancillary video - such as replays, scoring information, interviews and commentary. This content may be presented to the viewer via any media (video, images, audio, text, PDF files, links etc.)

Notifications & Messaging

When new content is available, the user is notified via a messaging system which is integrated into the player. It can be viewed live as the notification arrives, or placed into a playlist/queue. Users can customize/filter the notifications they receive and search for past items. This messaging system also allows viewers to mark and share clips with their comments. In effect, it builds a social hub around the event stream.


Nonlinea makes no distinction between live and VOD content, and so any video is available to play instantly. For example, viewers can start to watch an interview while it’s being transmitted. The player (which is distributed as a simple plugin for any web site) allows videos to be watched full screen (with interrupt and auto-resume of the main webcast) or as a picture-in-picture. The user can select the speed of the video and when combined with marking their own customized section of a clip, this yields user-controlled slow motion.

Video Markers

The driving force behind Nonlinea is the addition of markers to video that identify key moments in a sports video broadcast. In soccer, markers could identify goals scored/saved, penalty kicks, or throw-ins. In equestrian competitions, they could identify round starts/stops, faults, class start/ends, or timing/scoring. In chess, they could identify checks, checkmates, movements, or a taken piece. These markers can be generated by a number of means: a simple web app (used by the camera operator, assistant director, talent, etc), user input (users can mark what they consider interesting and share between peers - or globally if authorized), integration with scoring software for full automation, and eventually - AI analysis of the footage

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